Kier gets go-ahead for £60m King’s Cross project

Kier has gained reserved matters planning consent for its latest mixed-use project at the King’s Cross Goods Yard site in London.

Badged R7 by developer Argent, the 150,000 sq ft will rise to 13 storeys in a west tower of offices above a cinema and shops, while the East tower will hold 11 storeys of offices above retail space at ground level.

Located to the north of the Regents Canal opposite the Grade II listed Granary Building and Central St Martins school of art, the scheme is worth around £60m.

Kings Cross R7

By using a combination of complimentary passive and active design features to obtain very low carbon omissions the ‘bespoke’ BREEAM pre-assessment predicts that the building is on target to achieve an ‘Outstanding’ rating.

Work on R7 will start immediately; completion is due in 2017.

Kier is also due to build an adjacent building known as R8, a 200,000 sq ft scheme involving a mix of private and affordable housing.

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